UPDATE: The independant.ie article referred to in this blog post has since been retracted. So, maybe U2 will be involved in the Apple iPhone launch after all.
I still don’t think Apple will bundle the new U2 album on every iPhone. That makes no sense.
But maybe there will be a U2 designed iPhone. Or maybe U2 will use this event to release their first single and announce that Apple is sponsoring then next tour.
We’ll know for sure on Tuesday September 9th.
What??? No U2 Apple Deal???
According this article, a U2 spokesperson has cleared up the U2 / Apple rumors.
She was quoted saying “They [U2] are not releasing their album on the iPhone, and they are not performing at the iPhone launch.”
This makes sense. While there are millions of U2 fans around the globe, there are also tens of millions of people that are not fans (hard to understand, I know) who would not want their new iPhone preloaded with a U2 album.
Like the U2 iPod in 2005, a U2 iPhone would have been cool, but alas it was not meant to be.
Okay everyone, now that the excitement is over it’s time to get back to the U2 album/tour rumor mill.